Mechatronics Engineering
- Area Ingegneria
- Academic Year 2024/2025
- classi di laurea LM-29
- Description Ingegneria elettronica
- Duration 2
- Type Magistrale
- Language ENG
List of courses pertaining to the degree course, for each course it is specified whether it is compulsory, the reference year, the language taught, the objectives. Furthermore, the link to the teaching leads to educational information.
To sign up
Non presenti schede informative.
To attend
On the teaching page, for each course, you will find the link to the teaching that will provide you with information to attend in the classroom and remotely, and to find the teaching material.
Go to the coursesFace-to-face and remote lessons
On the teaching page, for each course, you will find the link to the teaching that will provide you with information to attend in the classroom and remotely, and to find the teaching material.
Go to the courses